Wednesday, August 12, 2009

look at this beatiful picture!!!!!!!!

i love the summer we can go camping and stay up late. and do so so so so soooo much! but now summer is almost over so ya well i have to go now bye

Monday, August 10, 2009


i love twilight it is sooo kewl you no it would be nice that if you went on here you would leave a comment cuz im starting to think nobody listens to me and im sad

Thursday, May 21, 2009

my bff and her new blog

my bff mikayla just got a blog check it out at...

check it out its new but it will get some writting on it hopfully!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

my b.f.f.e.a.e. (my best friend for ever and ever!!!)

my b.f.f is ...... mikayla
she is.....
cool,nice,funny,awsome,and the bestest friend anyone could ever have!!!

her buddy,

a story of the worlds END!!!

this is a dream to a nightmare......

i wish that someday soon we wont have to here the words you have cancer or if we do you will here but don't worry we have a cure!!!A dream is something good for the earth or for mom said war is expensive peace is priceless and if you go on her blog the hocky poky which is then somewhere on the
page it will show the increasing amounts of war.

everything on earth is spacial if you think GOD put you through something wrong think again because for me that little consents in your head is GOD he was warning you to make the right choice and everybody at least once disobeyed now you should think about the BIBLE and you should really read every word of it.

now the nightmare.....

if you have a dream or you think you should die or you want to kill someone else then think again when GOD makes you he gives you a timeline and a sertin path you can choose the path but hopfully the one he wants the good one. Lets say you killed yourself right now and your 37 mabey GODS timeline was lets say 100 you destroid the path of wich you could live on.

also take care of the earth earth day is or should be everyday i mean you live on it we shouldnt have abused animals or people in indea dieing everyday.we take 30 football fields out of nature everyday. and thats halfy because were in the U.S.A if you were in China and did all the worst things posoble you would probroly only use like mmmm 5 football fields.

i will be writing more about this later just take into mind everything iv said.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

were all the same

everything has gone wrong said the world but has it really?

if you think about it it really dosnt matter because we all end up in the same place DEAD so it dosnt matter of how much money you have or how you live.

take bill gates for example sure he has a lot of money and its easy to get what you want when you want it but it dosnt matter because hell be dead and youll be dead with no money at all we will all be doing the same exact thing sooner or latter.

so for all this that ive said i could only say one more thing and that is.............

war is expensive and peace is priceless!!!


have you ever thought that maybe...........................

every one cant do everything but
every one can do something!!!

so don't ever give up because you can do something just not everything


i cant wait its almost my b day again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love birthdays not because of the presents all though i injoy them but because of the people i get to see friends and family are the best!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

moving day and friends

me and my family are moving soon.its sad but ok.i guess im fine with it because the house is awsome and so is the school.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

i love ROBERT PATTINSON he is sooooooooooooooooooooooo hot i love him to death he is one of the people i have to meet before i die.

the flu

this is awesome iv been sick but I'm better now ya!!!iv had the flu and it sucks because it was over spring break but its awesome that I'm better now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

i love to go camping. we just went to seaside oregon it was really fun my favorite part was when we went to the mostly hats store it was cool and silly!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

this is my first blog!!!!I'm so excited because i wanted to have a website but my mom said you should blog so i did.i dont know much about this but my mom is a tech queen so no need to worry because i will know in know time!!!